Project Ecuador

Project Ecuador
Giving Hope and a Future

Monday 21 August 2017

The monthly accounts

The end of each month, I need to put together the charity accounts. A mundane, if necessary, task, you might think. However, I find doing it to be an exercise in gratitude and inspiration.
First of all, there are the donations that come in each month. I have been in Ecuador for more than 12 years now, and God has never failed to provide for the needs of myself and my family. What a cause for thankfulness and a spur to faith. As I read the names of those who support us, I give thanks and ask God to bless them.
Then, there are the regular donations for 170 sponsored children. How wonderful to see so many people willingly partnering with us to enable these children to receive an education. As I have the privilege of witnessing the ongoing progress of the 13 young people who have already graduated from high school through the programme, I can see the amazing difference it makes in their lives. Instead of washing clothes in the river, swinging a machete in the fields, or struggling to feed a baby, while they are little more than children themselves, these young people are now in training to be professionals. They are working in jobs where they earn a decent wage. They are role models for those who are following in their footsteps.
Also, there are sporadic gifts for house building, often from a group or individual who have chosen to do events to raise money for this end. It is amazing to me to think we have now managed to build 23 houses for families who were living in inadequate shacks before. What a wonderful work to be a part of. I give thanks to all who make this possible.
As I enter the expenses for each month, there is more to give thanks for. I can look back and see what has been achieved with generous donations. Children now equipped with glasses, medicines regularly supplied to those who cannot afford to buy them, Christian literature given out, hygiene supplies given to children, Christmas gifts made and given out, craft supplies for the girls’ club and food for camps.

All of these things, and more, enable us to share God’s love in a practical way with those who live around us. I give thanks to God, and each donor for making this possible. It inspires me to keep serving, loving and praying.

A new house 

Sponsor meeting her children 


  1. Hi Andy - I have really enjoyed reading your blog this morning - it is lovely to hear all about the work you are involved in and how your family are getting on. I will be thinking of you especially in relation to your baby arriving next month as my daughter Joy is expecting her 3rd baby on the 25th September. I hope that your labour goes smoothly and your baby is delivered safely when the time comes. We'll be looking forward to hearing the news! Lots of love from me and Arthur. x x

    1. Thank you!I hope your grandchild arrives safely too.
